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Sunday 11 May 2014

9th B Phy Work sheet

1. Derive expression for the variation of acceleration due to gravity with latitude. What would be the time period of rotation of the earth to make the bodies at equator weightless?

2. State and explain kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

3 .Define kinetic energy. Derive an expression for it.

4 .The bob of a pendulum is released from a horizontal position. If the length of the pendulum is 1 m, What is the speed with which the bob reaches the lower most point, given that it dissipates 10% of the initial energy against air resistance.

5 .Consider two blocks of masses m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) connected by an inextensible string passing over a smooth frictionless pulley. Two blocks are released from same level. At any instant ‘t’; If ‘x’ is the relative displacement of the blocks, then find
            (i) work done by tension on ‘m1
            (ii) work done by tension on ‘m2

6 .A man standing on the edge of a roof of a 20 m tall building projects a ball of mass 100 g vertically up with a speed of 10 ms–1 and simultaneously throws another ball of same mass vertically down with the same speed. Find the kinetic energy of each ball when they reach the ground. (g = 10 ms–2)

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